Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What's your name?

Those of you that know us, know that John Wayne and I aren’t ones to keep our baby name a secret. Pretty much from the time we knew she was a girl, we called the Little Lady, Tressie. It really hasn’t been any different this time around. Gunner was our boy name the first time I was pregnant and so when we began talking baby names this time, we easily agreed that Gunner was still our boy name. And so when we found out that Baby Golding the second was a boy, we began calling him Gunner.

{I’ve only had one moment of reservation – after we had ordered and put up the name art in the nursery. We also really like the name Augustus – Gus and for like 48 hours I thought maybe I liked it better.}

The one thing that is a little different this time around is the middle name. With the Little Lady, we said we didn’t know for sure what her middle name was {we even let all of you blog friends vote on it}, but I think we both pretty much knew. This time, we don’t. There’s even some disagreement.

John Wayne’s number one choice is William. Gunner William. It’s nice, I don’t dislike it, but it’s a little boring for me. He likes it because he wants to call him GW {like as in George Washington McLintock}.  Really.

My number one choice is Hammer. Gunner Hammer. Yes I agree, it doesn’t just roll off the tongue and I’m usually totally against a first name and middle name that end the same (er), but there are exceptions here. It’s about legacy – I’m an only child – I’m a girl – so Hammer it should be. {Hammer is my maiden name for those of you that are totally lost right now.} I would possibly settle for Gunner H.

So just like last time, let us know what you think by voting on the poll to the right.
Will it be William or Hammer?
Or will we come up with something totally different in the next few weeks?!?

Oh and just in case you’re curious {because I know I would be}, if Gunner would have been a girl, the name was Tinsley.


  1. Not to add any pressure to using a family name but...I had my mind set that if I ever had a daughter her middle name would have to be Kay. My mom and I are both Kay, and my mother in law is K (just the letter). Mark didn't really like it so I gave in, but I kind of regret it. With Jayden I settled on a middle name that started with a K (Karis). Obviously you have to agree, but I thought I'd share my thoughts!

  2. I vote for William :) Good Luck!

  3. Hmmm. I understand why you want Hammer. But for some reason every time I say it out loud- Gunner Hammer- I think of an actual hammer. Which is odd because I never associated with an actual hammer with your maiden name.

  4. I love the idea of using Hammer (my maiden name is Nathan- now my nephew's name!!) but don't necessarily love it with Gunner. You are right, it doesn't flow as easily.

  5. maybe you should wait till you see his little darling face! then maybe the perfect middle name will hit you both:) either one is nice and masculine

  6. I dread trying to come up with name we both agree on if we have a #3. Our boy was easy, we agreed on a name pretty quick. Our little girl, (Paisley Elizabeth) took some time
    Thank goodness I came up with Paisley, otherwise we'd probably still be trying to find a name! ;) My husband is a wee bit picky.
