Thursday, October 14, 2010

Half Broke Horses

After having the little lady 7 months ago, I seriously thought I'd never be able to just sit down and read a book again. Or at least anytime in the next 18 years. Well...for that reason...I love our two hour a day commute. I just finished Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls. GREAT book!

Half Broke Horses is the story of Walls' Grandmother, Lily Casey Smith. The story of Lily's life as told by Walls' is captivating, following her as she helps her father break horses as a young girl, teaches school starting at age 15 (without a diploma herself), learns to fly an airplane, runs a huge ranch in Arizona with her husband while raising two children, all while surviving natural disasters and hard times.

I read this on my way to work (don't worry John Wayne was driving!) and during my lunch hour, and it was always hard to put it down. It's a quick read, full of excitement! Now on my list to read, The Glass Castle, Walls' highly praised book about her own childhood.

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