Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Few Phone Photos

Goodness...I am behind in the blogging world!
Here are a few phone pictures to catch you up on a little of what we've been up to.

It seems like Grandma, the kids and I have been making a weekly trip to the big city lately, mostly for doctor's appointments.  Gunner got to make his first visit to Fargos.

On one of these trips to town, which always seem to turn into marathon-day-long trips, especially when you throw a doctor's appointment or two in the mix, the kiddos were both done by the time we got to Target for groceries.  Thank goodness, they both just went to sleep.


The Little Buckaroo turned one-month-old!  Here's a comparison photo: one-day-old and one-month-old.

Gunner's one-month check-up with Dr. Hoover went great.  He weighed in at 10 pounds 2 ounces (up nearly 3 pounds from his lowest weight of 7 pounds 4 ounces) and grew to 22 inches long.  Poor baby was also due for a shot.

The Little Lady is OBSESSED with Rapunzel and the movie Tangled.  Last week when she was watching it, she grabbed this blanket and said "Look Mama, my pretty hair."  She's been dragging this blanket around behind her ever since.  Such an imagination!


So there's just a little bit of what's been going on around the Trailerhood!


Anonymous said...

Happy 1 month! Such a cutie.
Love the picture of both of them sleeping in the cart!

Rachel said...

Happy One Month, he has gotten so big!
Sweet pictures, Mama, love it!