Thursday, March 31, 2011

Goals Update

In January, I told you my goals for 2011 with the promise to update you on my progress each month. Here’s how I did in March and my specific goals for April.

Drink more water.
I’m still doing pretty good here. I just have to make a conscious effort each day to drink water. If I don’t make myself drink it, I won’t.

Stick to a budget.
I am still putting my allotted amount away each month! But…good old Uncle Sam is going to dip into my stash this month and throw my “plan” off track. I’m determined to find a way to stash away even more every month to make this difference up by the end of the year so I still meet my goal amount.

Read atleast one book each month.
Seriously, I should just delete this one. I do have a trip for work this month, maybe I’ll get a book in on the flight. Highly unlikely though, sleep will probably take precedence.

Keep my pictures organized.
I have started the task of organizing my mess of pictures and I am not gonna lie…I am simply overwhelmed!!! I think I mentioned that I have pictures saved in every photo program known to man, well, did I mention that I also have pictures saved on my netbook, Justin’s laptop and our desktop?!? What a mess…how did I manage to do this!

Start sewing again.
So I did sew that crepe paper we talked about last month, but that’s all the action my sewing machine saw this month. The good news is that little crepe paper project was a good refresher. It had been so long since I had used my machine, it seriously took me some time to remember how to thread the bobbin and such. We all know that Mother’s Day is next month, so I better be getting that bag done. (My Mom is going to be so surprised when she opens her present. Sorry Mom!)

This month I have had great weeks where I exercised every day and bad weeks were I exercised one day. I’m setting my April standard high…six, yes six, days a week. NO excuses. It doesn’t matter that the Little Lady for some reason feels the need to get me up at 3AM most nights recently, if I hit the snooze button in the morning, I will have to workout at night…which I hate!

The “d” word.”
OK, so in March I haven’t gained weight, I haven’t lost weight, I’ve just maintained. Well folks, spring is here and summer is right on its heels, and if I don’t do something drastic, I will still be wearing this winter coat that I’ve put on. So yes, in April I will suck it up and officially DIET…not just “watch what I eat.” Hard core, this sucks, I want a brownie, dieting.

Wish me luck, I’m going to need it!

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