Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Pioneer Woman Was Supposed to Hold the Little Lady Today

Today, the Pioneer Woman was supposed to hold the Little Lady.
Today, we were supposed to go to the big city to the Pioneer Woman's book signing.

Today, instead we stayed home and nursed a sick Little Lady.
(T, I will try not to hold this against you for the rest of your life.)

Although, it did give us the chance to do a few things we otherwise wouldn't have gotten to do.

I helped John Wayne with the cows.
Ha, who am I kidding...I followed him around with the camera and got in his way.

Here is the heifer we are giving the Little Lady for her birthday.
(See T, I've already forgiven you.)

This evening we had dinner at the Trading Post with family and friends to celebrate my Grandpa's birthday.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

The usually ultra social Little Lady wanted nothing to do with anyone except for her Grandma.

No nap and not feeling well = a bit of a crank.

So even though I didn't get to meet P-Dub today, it turned out to be a pretty good day here on the prairie.

My Mom and Dad pre-ordered me Black Heels to Tractor Wheels for Christmas and it arrived last week, maybe I can spend the day on the couch tomorrow cuddled up with a quilt reading it.
Again, ha, who am I kidding!


Lori Hollis said...

Was she is Colorado Springs?? I can't believe I missed it! Tell how the book is. I need to go buy it.

Ellen said...

I just checked PW's blog to see the picture of T. Too bad! We're going to have to get her to come back! I hope both of you are feeling better.

Mark said...

I got to meet her when she came to KC for her sorry you had to miss her! She is really as nice as she seems. She took time to talk with each person as she was signing her book. Hope T is feeling better soon!