Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Goats

My Grandpa and Grandma have baby goats...lots of them! Well, I guess I should say soon they will have lots of them! Right now they just have one set of triplets.

Here I am all ready to go visit the goat barn.

Here I am with two of them. They are spunky, Mama never could get a picture of me with all three of them.

I'm beginning to like them more and more. My first visit I got a little frightened when one of them cried for their mama.

By the way, do you like my new hat?!? Mama and Daddy got it for me for Christmas; it's my goat checkin' hat.

Grandpa says here any day now we should have lots of babies!


Ellen said...

Where did you get those little tiny Carhartts? They are adorable! I think I need a couple of those baby goats.

Penny Pfeiff said...

Oh the goat girls:) Gotta love it!
